Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Perfect Student Websites

There are many great sites out there and a few of my favorite free kid friendly websites are:

  • National Geographic for Kids 
    • At this website you can find free fun educational games for kids, along with a whole section dedicated to teaching kids about animals. This sections includes articles, videos, interactive pictures and much more! Not only is this website great for kids but parents are going to love it too since there are many sections available for them too. 

  • FunBrain
    • FunBrain is a website that has been around for a while now and is a great place for kids to go learn while playing. When I was in school FunBrain was a website that I visited even while I was at home. On this site you can pick what grade level your child is in and then pick what subject they need to work on or want to work on. Here they can read books, solve math problems and have them explained also, or just play educational games without even noticing.

  • BrainPOP
    • BrainPOP is another great site where kids can go have fun while learning. On this site you can do all the same things as on FunBrain but BrainPOP includes Social Studies, Science, Arts & Music, Engineering and much more. This gives kids more options on what they want to work on or need to. 

Learning Centers Reflection

Learning Centers as described by the website Teacher Visions is a “space set aside in the classroom that allows easy access to a variety of learning materials in an interesting and productive manner” (Learning Centers. (n.d.). from . Learning centers were also described as “designated areas of the classroom where students congregate in small groups to accomplish given learning tasks” by the website About Education. (Lewis, B. (2014, March 18). Learning Centers. from ). Both definitions for this instructional strategy would be correct. Learning Centers are a technique that can be extremely helpful in classrooms not only for students but for teachers also. These centers provide a way for students to continue working together or independently while the teacher works with other children. Learning centers were created to help students develop on concepts, skills, or topics. Usually they are used after a new lesson or concept is taught.
  Applying this concept in the classroom would take a significant amount of time, mostly taken up by training the class on how to behave during learning center time and how each center works. After the classroom has been trained on how to work within the centers, the rest is a matter of setting an adequate amount of time for each center and allowing the time for a full rotation. On the website Teacher Vision, it is stated that there are three types of learning centers, enrichment learning centers, skill learning centers, and interest and exploratory learning centers. Enrichment learning centers are designed to provide students with a variety of learning choices as an addition to their lesson. Skill learning centers are similar to enrichment centers since they are used after teaching the preliminary concept or skill. Interest and exploratory learning centers unlike enrichment and skill learning centers are designed to focus on the interests of students.

            Learning centers can build on any subject from Math to Reading to Science. An example of a Math learning center that is also an enrichment center would be a center in which the student plays Math games that build on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Another enrichment learning center would be based on science where the student would draw pictures of the different growth stages of plants. An example of a Interest and exploratory learning center would be one in which students have a sort of “free-time” to work on what they liked most of to continue working of a center of their choosing, this allows the student an outlet throughout the day.

    Learning Centers. (n.d.). Retrieved October 09, 2016, from  
Lewis, B. (2014, March 18). Learning Centers. Retrieved October 09, 2016, from

Example Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: Science

Grade Level:     2                                   Subject: Science                         Lesson Length: 2 days

Overview: Students will be able to name and describe the different stages in the life cycles of a Butterfly. Students will be able to observe the behavior of the butterfly as it goes through the life cycle.

       LAFS.2.W.1.2 – Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feeling, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. Cognitive Complexity: Level 3: Strategic thinking & complex reasoning. (Signal of event order)
      SC.2.L.16.2 – Observe and describe major stages in the life cycles of plants and animals, including beans and butterflies. Content Complexity: Level 2: Basic application of skills & concepts.
Learning Objective: Identify and describe the cycle of a butterfly. Students will observe the behavior of the butterfly during the cycles.
Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge on the life cycle of a butterfly.
Materials/Resources Needed:
The Very Hungary Caterpillar, by Eric Carle - Book
The Very Hungary Caterpillar video
Life Cycle of a Butterfly video                                           
 Internet access, overhead projector, whiteboard.
Crayons, digital print out of butterflies. ( Choose Butterfly Lifecycle Picture and print out.
Notebook paper for writing a short story on how the caterpillar changes its appearance. This writing should be in event order. What happen 1st,2nd 3rd and so on.
Digital print diagram of the life cycle of the butterfly – for students to label.
( go to science and biology and select butterflies. Then go to butterfly Life Cycle label me printout and print out.
Introduction: Introduce the lesson, “Today class we are going to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. But first, I want to read a very funny story about a very hungry caterpillar. The name of the book is The Very Hungary Caterpillar and the authors name is Eric Carle”. Ask the class “What do you know about the caterpillar”? (class discussion) Read the book, out loud to the class. After reading the book, have a discussion by asking students “What do you know about butterflies? After a few minutes of discussion start the video.

Lesson Activities:
1st day –  
(5 minutes) Watch YouTube video (this video will give students a deeper understanding of the life cycle of a butterfly).
 (20 minutes) After watching the video, have a discussion about the video. Start the video again but this time stop the video at egg (have a discussion) stop at larva (have a discussion) stop at pupa (have a discussion) stop at chrysalis (have a discussion) stop at cocoon (have a discussion) stop at metamorphosis (have a discussion) tell the students to write down these key words when the teacher stops the video.
(20 minutes) Have students write a short story about the life cycle of the butterfly using the key words. (egg, larva, pupa, chrysalis, cocoon, metamorphosis). Remind students to write in the order of events.
2nd day – Watch a YouTube video
(5 minutes) Have students discuss the life cycle of a butterfly
(10 minutes) Fill in a diagram of the life cycle of the butterfly.
(20 minutes) Have students act out the life cycle of a butterfly (in-depth learning).
(10 minutes) Have students color printed out digital butterflies. Papers are to be put up in the classroom.
Strategies – ESE/ESOL: Students with visual impairments will be seated in the front and will also receive the diagrams, notes and other handouts with larger text/diagrams. Students with hearing impairments will be shown videos with captions and given visual aids.
ESOL students will be sat around other students who are bilingual or with similar English proficiency. They will also be provided handouts in both their first language and English.

Strategies – Integrating Technology: Technology will be integrated in multiple occasions through a visual presentation off of the website YouTube. Two digital work sheets, printed out for students who are Read-Write learners.

Evaluation/Critique of Educational Software/Web-based Resource:  Chose to lead off with video introduction so student can see the butterfly cycle in action and understand it and then to read the book as another reinforcement of the cycle.  Then hands on with drawing the butterfly cycle and labeling it on diagram for complete understanding.  This is to cover all aspects of different learners: Auditory, Visual, and Hands On.

Summary: Students will know the difference of the life cycle of a butterfly and be able to compare it to another insect or animal that they are familiar with such as a dog, frog, cat, bird, etc.

Assessment – Type: Formative assessments – For example, when students act out the life cycle, and when they label the lifecycle; this will be used to see if the students are able to continue or do they need a reteach.

Educational Theorist: Howard Gardner –  Multiple intelligences – This is touching on all modalities of learning such as; art, movement, speaking and writing.

Example Rubric


The information is extremely clear, and reliable. Sites purpose is clear along with a description of who authored the site.
The information is clear and reliable. Sites purpose can be found.
The information is unclear but reliable. Sites purpose seems to be missing.
The information is unclear and unreliable.


Author or Authors credentials are pointed out as well as the type of site itself – commercial or not for profit.
Author or Authors credentials are unclear , the type of site itself is clear.
Author or Authors are pointed out, the type if site itself is missing.
Author or Authors are unclear.

The information on the site is fair and nonbiased, is entirely or largely free of advertising.
The information on the site is fair and nonbiased, is almost entirely or largely free of advertising.
The information on the site is mostly fair and nonbiased, is almost entirely or largely free of advertising.
The information on the site is not fair and non-biased, is barley free of advertising.

The site is up to date with recent information, and updates are clearly specified.
The site is up to date with recent information, and almost all updates are clearly specified.
The site is mostly up to date with recent information, and some updates are clearly specified.
The site is more or less up to date with recent information, and updates are unclear.

The information on the site can be viewed without difficulties or commercial messages.

The information on the site can be viewed without difficulties, and few commercial messages.
Most of information on the site can be viewed without difficulties, and few commercial messages.
Almost none of the information on the site can be viewed without difficulties or commercial messages.
Links (content)

All links are high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.
Almost all links are high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.
Most links are high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.
Less than 3/4 of the links are high quality, up-to-date, credible sites.
Load Time

The site typically loads very quickly (10 seconds or less), good sounds and graphics, and appropriate division of content.
All site typically loads reasonably quickly (10-15 seconds) good  sounds and graphics, and appropriate division of content.
One page typically takes more than 15 seconds to load, but the others load quickly.
Site typically takes a more than 15 seconds to download due to large graphics, animations, sounds, etc.